Social services

Mission statement of our office:
– To help those in need
– To build trust in our community.
– Provide access to multiple resources
– Create lasting opportunities for our community.

The Brotherhood of St. Jue Tadeo

This Brotherhood maintains a strong devotion to St. Jude Tadeo as an advocate and as an example of apostolic life in the following of Jesus Christ. Devout people from all over the city flock to the monthly Mass on the 28th of each month at 7:00 pm in honor of St. Jude. The faithful prepare to celebrate the principal festival on October 28th each year, preparing a novena and triduum days before.

The Brotherhood of the Lord of Miracles

The Peruvian community promotes devotion to the Lord of Miracles and opens its doors to all Latinos who would like to honor the Lord of Miracles. It is told in the Temple with a special altar to give honor to the Lord of Miracles and have monthly Masses, novenas and its main party on October 20th to strengthen the bonds of the brotherhood.

The Brotherhood of New Man K’anjobal

The Mayan community and the Guatemalan community groups are active, they know how to join their artistic traditions such as dance, music and language with their faith experiences. They meet weekly to strengthen their faith and grow in the knowledge of the scriptures. They celebrate their festival on September 19th.

Brotherhood of the Lord of Esquipulas

The Guatemalan faithful united with other Parish groups promote devotion to the Lord of Esquipulas. This group supports the various Parish events to promote unity in the social and liturgical service of the Parish. His Festival is held on January 15th.

Minister Virgin of Juquila

The Oaxacan community honors the Blessed Virgin mary under the name of Virgen de Juquila and highlights the dogma of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. This ministry works in the evangelization of families starting with the visit of the image of the virgin to different households and small communities and creating preparations for evangelization. The festival day is done by the Sunday closest to December 8th and are in charge of the monthly Mass on the second Sunday of the month at 12:00 noon with the Mass Oaxaqueña.

Association of Daughters of Mary

Maria’s daughters maintained via Marian devotion in the Parish remembering all the different titles of Mary. They are governed by the liturgical year to highlight the Marian dogmas and major invocations of Mary, the Dormition of Mary and Maria Reina de los Angeles.

Archdiocesan Adoration

It follows the regulations of the Archdiocese to watch in worship. Monthly on the fourth Saturday of the month, you have the monitors to the Blessed and the anniversary of the group of our Parish the 7th of September with the participation of all neighboring parishes to La Placita is performed.